Winter Grass
Low growing clump forming grass. Bright green/ lime green leaves. Panicle inflorance. Active growth through cooler months. Tolerates close mowing.

White Clover
Oval to eliptical leaves of variable size. Ball type inflorescence usually white. Deep resilient root system.

Cape Weed
Large hairy grey / green leaves forming open rosette up to 80 x 30cm. Yellow flowers with dark centre. Strong root system. Heavy seed productions.

Cats Ear Weed
Long leaves with deep lobes forming a flat rosette. Flowers yellow on a lengthy often branched floral stem.

Summer Grass
Spreading habit using stolons. Red/green stems. Soft grey/green hairy leaves. Flower spikes attaching to main stem at various points. Vigorous spring grower.

Heart shaped leaves and 5 petalled yellow flowers. Creeping sterns take root and nodes and spread efficiently.

Plantain has thin veins on the leaves that form in rosettes and slender flowering stems with dense brown seed heads.

Prostrate mat forming habit. Bright green, delicate (carrot-like) leaves. Flower heads slightly convex, sessile in rosette, centres forming burrs with short spines.

Crows Foot
Tuft forming grass. Produces stolons at nodes of runners. Soft hairy leaves. 5-8 spikes her inflorescence which are 4-15cm long. Bigger than Eleusine tristachya.

Cud Weed
Rosette forming with leaves grey/green on top and whitish/grey underneath. Furry leaf underside. Upright flower stem with brown papery flowers.

Rosette forming with bright green sharply lobed leaves – lobes point backwards. Yellow daisy like flowers forming sphere shaped seed head- fine hairs attached.

Nut Grass
Sedge with glossy green linear leaves. Trilangular stems supporting brown spike inflorescence that has 2-4 bracts below.